How To Find Your Infinite Potential
Achieving Your Infinite Potential
Sometimes in solitude, sometimes in loneliness,
You realize the powers that lie hidden.
Sometimes in pain, sometimes in sorrow,
In defeat and anguish lie your greatest potential.
Human potential is limitless. We have been to the deepest points undersea and the moon. Yet, we get lost in our journeys and feel depressed. We start to believe that our dreams are impossible to achieve. It is during those moments of sorrow and pain we self-reflect. In those moments of loneliness, we can see the beauty of human potential. We have all the required energy within us.
Lessons From History
In his book, Metahuman: Unleashing Your Infinite Potential, Dr. Deepak Chopra argues that our ego creates stories that eventually limit our potential. Let’s take some examples from history. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart composed a staggering 50 symphonies that changed the face of music. Richard Feynman revolutionized physics with his theory of Quantum Electrodynamics. Albert Einstein gave The Theory Of Special Relativity when he was merely 25 years old. These are examples of extreme human potential — people who pushed the boundaries of what we can achieve as a human race. Dr. Deepak Chopra believes that the pathway to infinity lies within us — specifically, within our consciousness because consciousness is infinite.
Achieving Infinite Potential
In his book, The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind, Dr. Joseph Murphy explains the power of the human mind through the following analogy. Imagine looking at an iceberg floating in the ocean. What you can see is the tip of the iceberg. It is but a tiny fraction of the iceberg. The same can be said of your mind as well. The part that we are aware of — the conscious mind — is visible and known to us. It is a tiny part of our potential. A lot of our potential is hidden in our subconscious.
Strategies To Access The Infinite Potential Within
This section discusses some of the strategies that can help you tap into your infinite potential.
Power Of Affirmations
The creator of the best-selling comic strips, Dilbert, Scott Adams, uses affirmations to remind himself what he’s trying to achieve. He imagines the outcome and what it feels like. He writes his goals 15 times a day. He believes, in his case, it helps him focus on the goals that he is currently pursuing and helps him become better at the required set of skills. In his book, The Luck Factor, the author, and researcher, Richard Wiseman discovered that people who expect luck will notice opportunities in their environment more readily than those who don’t. He believes you can train your mind to wish luck and cause an improvement in their ability to spot opportunities that look like luck when they pop up.
Power Of Visualization
In his book, The Power of the Subconscious Mind, Dr. Joseph Murphy quotes several examples where visualization techniques helped humans tap into the infinite potential. For hundreds of years, humans have believed in the mystic powers of holy prayers. Over the years, people used to go to their respective places of worship, and the priests healed the sick by convincing them that God would make them well. Incredibly, the approach would work. It seems pretty bizarre and supernatural. The late basketball superstar Kobe Bryant would visualize the game he would play the night before. The practice, he believed, helped him significantly improve his game.
Believe In Your Infinite Potential
We can learn new skills, connect with new people, understand complex concepts, build complicated structures, move faster than sound, swim deeper than any fish, and fly higher than any bird can. We can rebuild our lives when everything is lost. We can create organizations that can last hundreds of years and build social movements with millions of followers. It is important to dream, to believe, to rise, and to work. The forces that work against us combine and join us in our efforts over time.
Be a believer, understand your potential and rise above yourself! Every. Single. Day!
About Ravi
Ravi is a poet, innovator, and entrepreneur. Ravi got a degree from IIT and Princeton University and lived in Bangalore and California, working at various software startups. He is the author of Be Buddha and regularly blogs at Ravi’s Blog.